Monday, June 29, 2009


So your entire website is based on childish mockery in which you seek to ridicule someone else's beliefs? Wow.

Oh noes, nasty internet man is cruels to us.

There is so much on here, I actually question your employment status.

What? I post two or three times a week, it's hardly a full-time job.
I for one do not question all of evolutionary theory, some of it is very viable.

Unhelpful. Tell me which bits you do question and we might make some progress.
I will say though as a Christian, that not all of us believe in the book of Genesis as a true history and that not all creationists beleive that the world in less than 6000 years old.

If you don't subscribe to biblical literalism, there are many prominent creationists (Ham, Comfort, Sarfarti) who would question your faith and even your right to call yourself a Christian.
I do see that your website is based on hate of differing views other then your own.

No, but it is partly based on my hatred of creationist lies and propaganda.
In the end, Creationists are usually happier people, who base their lives around community and understanding while evolutionists are usually just hateful, selfish people who end up with nothing out of life.

Sure. Right.
Even if an afterlife does not exist, nothing is lost to anyone, but if there is.....

I'm happy to take my chances, thanks.

Anyway, we all need to live a meaningful life and stop trying to make people feel stupid for their beliefs.

If everyone was willing to keep their groundless beliefs to themselves, that would be fine.
BTW, I hold a Masters of evolutionary studies and a Masters of Div.

Not impressed, sorry.
Its rewarding for any intelligent person to study both sides of an argument.

I've probably read more creationist literature than pro-evolution. I've found it invariably to be either stupid or plain dishonest.
In the end, neither group can claim to have the one answer of how the beginning started.

But there are true answers out there, and those offered by religious texts have been long disproven.


Photo Rat said...

This is typical of the comments I get, too.

I find the "this is a hate site" comments to be the most amusing. Neither of us espouses blanket hate. I hate very few specific people. Those are the ones who have been especially effective in eroding our freedoms and destroying our public schools.

Mostly, I just hate the behaviors of some people. I really and truly do not hate the people whose behaviors I hate. I wish the people on the other side could say the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Some folks are so attached to their religious fantasies that they consider anyone that tells them about reality to be spiteful and full of hate.


revatheist said...

"I for one do not question all of evolutionary theory, some of it is very viable....I will say though as a Christian, that not all of us believe in the book of Genesis as a true history and that not all creationists beleive that the world in less than 6000 years old."
I can't stand the idiots who half-ass evolution. I can handle young-earth creationists or deists much easier. At least YECs or deists only allow one miracle: either god wiggled his nose and everything came into being 6000 years ago or god farted creating the Big Bang (thank you Family Guy) and everything just naturally developed from there. Jackasses that want their theology and their evolution (also known as "directed evolutionists" or as I like to call them "breeding creationists") require billions of miracles over the eons as god gets the right organisms to breed so as to produce the right result to reach the goal he's after! Obviously no miracles is best, but to multiply them beyond counting is imbecilic.

Anonymous said...

Revatheist, one miracle or a billion it is all the same- suspension of the laws of physics by a supernatural sky fairy.


revatheist said...

I agree, miracles at all are asinine. My point was that young-earthers and deists at least have the advantage of having the most parsimonious asinine idea. :)

Anonymous said...

lets be honest if there is a god he wouldnt give a toss about us

were not that special

Anonymous said...

Dude, you are so full of misplaced spite, hostility, & belligerence.

Even if you're right, which would be hard to prove since your blog seems to be utterly devoid of what we call "assertions" about what you believe (apart from your hatred of anyone who disagrees with you), you it occurs to me that the world will pass you by, and you will be all alone shaking your fist at the heavens.

By the way, it also occurs to me that you are perhaps the least qualified of people I've met to be making Scriptural quotations about pride. (Sarfati)